Now... what makes these resources so much more valuable to you and your business than your website? They're used by people who have made a choice. They have made a conscious decision to "Like" and "Follow" and "Connect". THESE people are your potential clients, customers, and referrals! These are as close to a "sure thing" as you can get! Next time you're watching your favorite show on television, don't "fast forward" through the commercials. Start watching them... for one reason... and one reason only. Pay attention to how these companies are marketing their products and services. You'll start noticing that a large percentage of these major companies are now steering people toward their Facebook Business Pages rather than their websites. These companies spend a great deal of money with marketing experts and teams of advertising people. They are showing you the way. So... now what? Just jump in and start doing it? Where do you start? Starting off wrong can set you back months. HOW do these companies have cool "Landing Pages"? How do put up a coupon for them to print and bring into my place of business? How can I have my real estate listings show up on my Facebook Page? What is "retweeting"? Why should I do it? I've said it before... and I'll say it again. Just because I can sell my home doesn't mean I'm a real estate expert. Just because I can change the oil in my Yukon doesn't make me a mechanic. Just because I can do my own taxes doesn't make me an accountant. You will spend hours trying to figure it all out... doing the research... "dabble" in it just to "test the waters". I can guarantee four things. You'll get frustrated. You won't "get it". You won't have the time. You'll fail. The dilemma... If you're taking time away from your business to set up and manage your "social media", I can assure you... your business is suffering. However, if you're NOT using "social media" with your business, I can assure you... your business is suffering. That's why I'm here. That's what I do. I've spent 18 years working with the Internet helping businesses like yours. From developing websites, search engine marketing, newsletters to social media management. It's a business. It takes time... which is one of your most valuable commodities. It takes knowledge and understanding. It's OK to admit you don't understand it. You're not supposed to. You know your business. I know mine. Seldom would I ever answer the question "Why should I do it?" with... "Because everyone else is doing it". But you know what? Things have changed. If you're NOT doing it... and doing it RIGHT... you're being left in the dust as we speak. |