I was privileged to have been the President & CEO of a county Chamber of Commerce in the 6th largest county of the 95 counties in Tennessee during the past couple of years. I'd worked with this Chamber for nearly eight years. Initially, I donated my business services, web site development, and search engine optimization expertise to get them on the virtual map. This led to becoming more involved as a member of their "Diplomat & Ambassador" program for two years, which led to serving on the Board of Directors for another two years, and then ultimately accepting the position of President & CEO.
I'd accepted this position right as the economy officially crumbled. Businesses were downsizing. Small businesses were being forced to close their doors. Those who remained in business were cutting back on everything... including Chamber membership. Major industries and chamber supporters were cutting back monetarily and being far less generous than they'd been in previous years.
But I had an "Ace" up my sleeve called "Social Media". Immediately I started both a Facebook Fan Page (as it was called at the time) and a Twitter account for this Chamber. I linked the two together. I began posting anything and everything. I created photo albums for each business we did a ribbon cutting and grand opening for... which included contact info for that business and links to their websites and/or Facebook pages on each photo. I shamelessly promoted our Facebook page and our Twitter presence. Within the first few months we had more than 500 "fans" (as they were called at the time) on Facebook and nearly 600 followers on Twitter.
Later, I used the FBML tool and created addition "Tabs" to promote our member "Facebook Fan Pages". During that first year we had numerous businesses come back as members after dropping off because, as they said, "The Chamber wasn't doing anything to help their business". It was that type of "forward thinking" that helped us get through what's now considered one of the worst economic times since the Great Depression.
But... you know what? Despite sharing statistics and progress with the Board Members... several didn't seem to grasp the significance of this. Why? Because THEY weren't using it... and as I attended numerous conferences in my region and across the state, I started to realize that MANY don't get it!
Because I started working with the Internet back in 1993, developing my first website in 1994 when there were still only a few thousand websites in existence... well before Amazon, Ebay, Google, etc..., submitting my sites to search engines such as "Alta Vista", "Excite", "LookSmart", "Lycos", etc..., I consider myself an "expert". Don't confuse that with a "know-it-all". That, I'm not. I've learned new things every single day since 1993... and expect to do the same from this point on.
However, that expertise, along with my years working with that Chamber has made me somewhat unique. I know the financial struggles that Chambers face. I know the hoops that Chamber CEO's and Directors must jump through to get things accomplished. I understand the myths that people, in general, have when it comes to what a Chamber does and the purpose that it serves. I know that a high percentage don't care or appreciate what the Chamber does to advocate on their behalf. I know what businesses want. And "Social Media" has now opened up a whole new set of doors.
Sure... you know the buzz words... however, you're probably overwhelmed because there's so much to pick from. What to use... how to use it... etc... Don't let that happen.
IF, as a Chamber, you're not using these five: "Facebook", "Twitter", "LinkedIn", "Foursquare", and "YouTube", you're letting your members down and, just as important, missing out on opportunities for addition "non-dues revenue"!
With any project I've undertaken, large or small, I've always been an advocate of "baby steps". But before you start throwing things together and setting up your accounts, note:
- There's a proper order in which these should be set up.
- There's a correct way to put these pages and these accounts online so that they'll find top spots in the search engines.
- There's a proper way to link these together so you don't have to manage each one individually.
- Doing ANY of these things incorrectly will only result in frustration and failure.
Once this is done, you can start helping yourself and your members. How?
- Ever consider having a contest on Facebook? I used recently placed "Civil War Trail Markers" in such a way. Four "Civil War Trail Markers" had been erected throughout the county... in front of courthouses, downtown parks, businesses, etc... I teamed up with a Chamber member who offered to give away a free "Dinner for Two" to the winner. The winner had to post the title of each marker along with a photo of each to prove they'd been there. What did this do? It created an environment of interaction. It got them to drive around the county and explore the various communities. It promoted one of the members who stepped up to be involved. We posted a picture of the winner along with the restaurant owner online and in the local newspapers. You know what? Other members immediately contacted us wanting to be involved in the next contest.
- Use "foursquare" as a member "perk" or as an incentive/contest? Most Chamber Executives, Board Members, staff, Diplomats & Ambassadors have smart phones. Why aren't you using "foursquare" to "check in" when you dine out or shop? Set up correctly, it will also promote that member's business to your Facebook & Twitter followers and you can have some fun within your organization!
- What about using these tools to achieve goals or as incentives during your "Membership Drives"?
- Why aren't you adding "Landing Pages" and additional tabs to your Facebook Page so you can start introducing some additional "non-dues" revenue scenarios?
I could go on... but I think you get the point.
I'd love to come and speak to you and your Board. I'd love to start helping you get your Chamber where it needs to be. I'd love to give a presentation to your members and show them how they can take advantage of the same technology to help their own business and work more closely with you and their Chamber!
Feel free to contact me:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/WilliamWellsIII
foursquare: https://foursquare.com/williamwellsiii
Make sure to "Like" us on Facebook for Social Media updates, news, tips, and more!
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